Oil and Gas
Pipeline – 109 years ago
November 16, 1907 On the Pipeline – 109 Years Ago: Oil-rich Oklahoma becomes the 46th state. Oklahoma territory and Indian Territory collectively entered the Union, becoming the 46th state, and one possibly most known for its oil and gas industry. However, Oklahoma was a well-known producer of oil before statehood. “Oklahoma oil history began when…
Read MorePipeline – 136 Years Ago
November 9, 1880 On the Pipeline – 136 Years Ago: Edwin “Colonel” Drake died Pioneering oilman Edwin “Colonel” Drake died. Drake famously drilled the first commercial oil near Titusville, Pennsylvania on August 27, 1859. It wasn’t long after Drake struck the black gold that the oil rush began in Pennsylvania. “Within a few years the…
Read MorePipeline – 149 Years Ago
October 18, 1867 On the Pipeline – 149 Years Ago: the US purchased Alaska. Though some called it Seward’s Folly it would prove in time to hold valuable resources. The United States formally took possession of Alaska after purchasing the 586,412 square miles of territory from Russia for $7.2 million. Even though it was called…
Read MorePipeline – 83 Years Ago
September 23, 1933 Forming the Oil Giants of the Middle East Pipeline – 83 Years Ago: A group of geologists from Standard Oil breakup successor Standard Oil of California, which later became Chevron, arrived in Saudi Arabia after receiving a concession from the Saudi government that allowed them to explore for oil. After many…
Read MorePipeline – 56 Years Ago
September 10, 1960 OPEC was formed Pipeline – 56 Years Ago: Leaders from Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Venezuela met in Baghdad for a four-day conference to discuss the future of their nations’ oil production. This meeting led to the creation of the Organization of Petroleum Export Countries, otherwise known as OPEC. During…
Read MorePipeline – 157 Years Ago
August 27, 1859 Oil struck in Titusville, PA Edwin Drake struck oil in Titusville, Pennsylvania, becoming the first American to successfully drill a commercial oil well. Amidst onlookers and hecklers calling the effort “Drake’s Folly,” Drake’s crew drilled to a depth of 69.5 feet before reaching a crevice. The following day, oil was found rising…
Read MorePig Poo Power – Part 2
It wasn’t that long ago that we’ve discussed the radical idea of generating natural gas from pig poo, and piping it directly to customers. Well, the power company Duke Energy is now going hog wild with the idea and started working intensively on its development. The company has announced its plan to buy gas made…
Read MorePipeline – 119 Years Ago
August 21, 1897 The Growth of the auto industry contributes to the growth of the oil industry Contributions towards the Pipeline – 119 years ago: Olds Motor Works, which later became Oldsmobile, was founded by Ransom Eli Olds. According to the R.E. Olds Foundation, he “is considered by many to be the founder of the…
Read MorePipeline – 68 Years Ago
August 14, 1942 Providing fuel from Britain to the Allied forces in France On the Pipeline – 68 years ago: Production began on the Pipe-Lines Under the Ocean Project, otherwise known as “Operation Pluto,” with the aim of constructing a network of pipelines under the English Channel to provide fuel from Britain to Allied forces…
Read MoreTrans Alaska Trail
Pipelines aren’t typically known as havens of outdoor recreation, and they aren’t often heralded as entirely environmentally friendly either. Maybe many of these opinions can be attributed to misinformation, misunderstanding, or any number of other reasons, but clearly, there is some truth there as well. The Trans-Alaska Pipeline extends across the state [photo credit: wikipedia] …
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