Sawyer Art
John Lopez – Western Welded Sculptures
Welding Scraps into Art Sometimes you just need to stop what you’re doing and marvel at the amazing work welders do. Much like we did previously with David Madero, or Bob Dylan we want to highlight the work of John Lopez. Lopez creates truly stunning sculptures from scrap metal. From peacock to bison,…
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What can Bob Dylan not do? You may have heard he was recently awarded the Nobel Prize. In literature. But did you know when he isn’t busy writing some of the most famous songs in history (and possibly every other song, famous or otherwise), he enjoys welding? In fact, his 26-foot by 15-foot iron archway…
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At Sawyer Mfg., we like to celebrate welders and other hardworking craftsmen. That’s why we work tirelessly to manufacture the best lineup of welding tools and equipment for welders and pipeliners, and sometimes, we just want to point out the cool things these men and women accomplish. To that end, meet David Madero If anyone…
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