Pipeline Industry
Radiographic Testing of Welds
Radiographic testing of welds and weld testing are necessary steps in any pipeline construction process to detect flaws and defects within welded materials. One common method of non-destructive testing is radiographic testing, whereby radiographic images, or x-rays, of the weld are produced. However, the actual production of these images represents a mere fraction of this process.…
Read MoreNational Small Business Week Kicks Off
Celebrating America’s Entrepreneurs The U.S. Small Business Administration kicks off Small Business Week today with the theme “SBA: Dream Big, Start Small.” This event has been held annually since 1963 to recognize the nation’s top small businesses, entrepreneurs, small business advocates and champions. According to the SBA, this event serves to “highlight the impact of…
Read MoreRosie the Riveter: Enduring Emblem
The iconic “We Can Do It” poster became the most recognizable image of Rosie because the original was copyrighted by Norman Rockwell. Mary Keefe, the subject of Norman Rockwell’s “Rosie the Riveter” painting, died this past week at the age of 92. The iconic portrait appeared on the cover of the Memorial Day 1943 issue…
Read MoreWelding: A brief history
In a field where technology plays a large role, such as welding, one might be surprised to learn just how far back the history goes. Did you know that there have actually been welding processes used for at least 5000 years? 3000-2000 BCE Some of the earliest instances of what can be…
Read MoreWelding Careers
April is National Welding Month, and as the first in an upcoming series of welding-focused posts, I thought I would discuss just a few of the specialized occupations within the welding field. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there were more than 350,000 jobs classified within the area of welding careers including…
Read MoreNatural Gas Pipelines
There are more than 2.6 million miles of pipeline in the United States, and there is a constant stream of new construction within the pipeline industry. Sawyer Manufacturing is proud to be at the heart of every phase in that construction process. When a pipeline is built, pipe is bent, beveled, welded, tested, and finally…
Read MorePipelines: A Study in Existentialism
There are more than 2.6 million miles of pipeline traversing the United States, transporting fossil fuels from production fields to any number of destinations, including your own doorstep. questions: 1. There is more to it though, right? 2. What is a pipeline? 3. Is one pipeline just like any other pipeline? 4. Are there differences?…
Read MorePipeline vs. rail
Aerial photo of the West Virginia train derailment, made available by the Office of the Governor of West Virginia. Credit: AP Photo/Office of the Governor of West Virginia, Steven Wayne Rotsch safely transporting crude Have you been watching the news? Recent history has brought train accidents involving oil cars and their accompanying spillage…
Read MoreSawyer Spotlight
Ratchet Clamp Regardless of the type or use, clamps are often taken for granted. They’re such simple machines that it’s easy to not even consider the possibility that some just aren’t up to snuff. Maybe they take too much time to set up and use. Maybe they only work within a narrow set of parameters.…
Read MoreSawyer Spotlight
Beveling Bands & Crawlers Fastest. Largest. Most accurate. Those are the characteristics of Sawyer’s Band Beveling Machines. In addition to all the clamps, welding accessories and weld testing tools any pipeliner could possibly use, Sawyer Manufacturing offers a full line of beveling equipment, but the Band Beveling Machine is the one setting the industry standard for…
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