Sawyer Spotlight

Ratchet Clamp

Regardless of the type or use, clamps are often taken for granted. They’re such simple machines that it’s easy to not even consider the possibility that some just aren’t up to snuff. Maybe they take too much time to set up and use. Maybe they only work within a narrow set of parameters. Maybe they aren’t strong enough to survive harsh working conditions. Well, Sawyer’s Ratchet Clamp is designed to address those very issues.
This External Ratchet Alignment Clamp is built from the ground up with a focus on speed and adaptability. Featuring a 10-ton ratchet that pulls pipe into round and an open bridgework design, this manual clamp is simple, quick and easy to use. The unique ratchet mechanism allows for a true double ratchet closure, making it one of the best and most dependable pipe clamp options available.

“This is the best Ratchet I have ever worked with. I love it, it stays in my truck for my use only. I will not let anyone else use it.” -J. Walton, Sawyer Ambassador

This external line up clamp is highly adaptable, fitting any type or size of pipe and is well suited for almost any pipe joining and fit-up work. The quality steel construction provides the most rugged of specifications, and the thick head rings on this line up clamp are precision bored for consistent and accurate pipe-to-pipe fit up jobs.

Featuring an ergonomic design, this pipeline welding clamp is made with the operator’s safety and stability of the pipe in mind. With speed, simplicity and strength, the External Ratchet Alignment Clamp just gets the job done time and time again.

When you’re in the market for a pipeline welding clamp, look no further than Sawyer Manufacturing’s excellent line of pipe-to-pipe fit up equipment. All Sawyer ratchet pipe clamps are constructed from solid materials for strength and durability and are built to last and accurately align pipe for years of dependable service in the field.

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