Sawyer Goes to Washington

Live Streaming of the National Small Business Week Celebration

Sawyer employees

Sawyer Mfg. Co. facility and employees

Clear your calendar!

Set your alarms!

Prepare your recording devices!

Friday, May 8, the SBA awards will be presented at the White House beginning at 2 p.m. EDT, and the entire event will be live streamed here.

The ceremony will include all the honors listed in this previous post, as well as the National Exporter of the Year award for Sawyer Mfg. You may have heard a thing or two about that one. Andrew Martins and Scott Persson are in Washington D.C. to accept the award on behalf of Sawyer and all its employees.

To prepare for this event, take some time to look over all the award recipients and why they each deserve such distinction.

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