Cranes, Chains and Right-of-Ways: Danger on the Pipeline
Newsflash: Working near a pipeline during the construction process can be dangerous.
As occupations go, it might not present quite the level of danger that crab fisherman, logger, ice road trucker, or apparently any non-Kardashian-related job with a reality TV series does, but there are, unfortunately, still a vast number of ways to be injured on the job. Spend enough time near the right-of-way, and you’re likely to encounter plenty of areas where a person might encounter danger on the pipeline.
The crane is one of these potentially dangerous areas. Swinging large sections of pipe near people in sometimes unforgiving weather… What could possible go wrong? Fortunately, Sawyer’s Pipe Hooks are the safest on the market and help minimize the potential for accidents when lifting and lowering pipe. The reduced pinch points, extra thick steel and integrated handles featured on these pipe hooks increase safety and help bring pipeliners home at the end of the day.
Aside from Sawyer Manufacturing’s Pipe Hooks, one way safety is ensured when operating a crane, is rather similar to the way safety, precision and efficiency is ensured when doing nearly any task involving more than one person: communication. That’s why the industry has a set of standard hand signals to communicate between crane operators and others on the ground.
- HOIST: Forearm vertical, forefinger pointing up, move hand in small horizontal circles.
- LOWER: Arm extended downward, forefinger pointing down, move hand in small horizontal circles.
- USE MAIN HOIST: Tap fist on head; then use regular signals.
- USE WHIPLINE: Tap elbow with one hand; then use regular signals.
- RAISE BOOM: Arm extended, fingers closed, thumb pointing upward.
- LOWER BOOM: Arm extended, fingers closed, thumb pointing downward.
- MOVE SLOWLY: One hand gives motion signal, other hand motionless in front of hand giving the motion signal.
- RAISE BOOM & LOWER LOAD: Arm extended, thumb pointing up, flex fingers in and out.
- LOWER BOOM & RAISE LOAD: Arm extended, thumb pointing down, flex fingers in and out.
- SWING: Arm extended, point with finger in direction of swing.
- STOP: Arm extended, palm down, hold.
- EMERGENCY STOP: Arm extended, palm down, move hand rapidly right and left.
- EXTEND BOOM: Arm extended forward, hand open and slightly raised, pushing motion in direction of travel.
- RETRACT BOOM: Both fists in front of body with thumbs pointing outward.
reduce the risks of danger on the pipeline.
Between these signals, an aware and safety-conscious workforce, and Sawyer’s Pipe Hooks, the potential for injury while operating a crane is virtually eliminated.