Pipeline – 116 Years Ago

By drivendigital

January 10, 1901 On the Pipeline – 116 years ago a gusher at Spindletop signaled the beginning of the modern U.S. oil industry. A well at the oil field known as Spindletop near Beaumont, Texas struck oil. This gusher “blew for nine days at a rate estimated at 100,000 barrels (16,000 m3) of oil per…

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Pipeline – 106 Years Ago

By drivendigital

January 12, 1911 On the Pipeline – 106 Years ago, court proceedings were in the process of breaking up a major monopoly. Rearguments began in Standard Oil Co. of New Jersey v. United States. When the case was decided four months later, the oil giant was declared a monopoly and forced to break up. Prior…

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Bob Dylan welding hood

Dylan’s Welded Art

By drivendigital

What can Bob Dylan not do? You may have heard he was recently awarded the Nobel Prize. In literature. But did you know when he isn’t busy writing some of the most famous songs in history (and possibly every other song, famous or otherwise), he enjoys welding? In fact, his 26-foot by 15-foot iron archway…

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I Am Sawyer – Porge Lee

By drivendigital

Our employees are a great group of skilled individuals that contribute to our unique culture at Sawyer. We would like everyone to Meet the Sawyer Team. HEY PJ…. What do you do at Sawyer? I am an assembler for Sawyer What is your favorite thing to work on? I like working on the beveling transmission. What…

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Pipeline – 109 years ago

By drivendigital

November 16, 1907 On the Pipeline – 109 Years Ago: Oil-rich Oklahoma becomes the 46th state. Oklahoma territory and Indian Territory collectively entered the Union, becoming the 46th state, and one possibly most known for its oil and gas industry. However, Oklahoma was a well-known producer of oil before statehood. “Oklahoma oil history began when…

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Pipeline – 136 Years Ago

By drivendigital

November 9, 1880 On the Pipeline – 136 Years Ago: Edwin “Colonel” Drake died Pioneering oilman Edwin “Colonel” Drake died. Drake famously drilled the first commercial oil near Titusville, Pennsylvania on August 27, 1859.  It wasn’t long after Drake struck the black gold that the oil rush began in Pennsylvania. “Within a few years the…

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Meet the Sawyer Team – Leonel Torres

By drivendigital

      Our employees are a great group of skilled individuals that contribute to our unique culture at Sawyer. We would like everyone to Meet the Sawyer Team. HEY LEONEL…. What do you do at Sawyer? I am in the assembly area. What is your favorite thing to work on? My favorite thing to…

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ASME certification

By drivendigital

Above is the ASME pressure vessel tested to acquire ASME certification. R and U stamp certified We are now officially certified by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) and the National Board Inspection Code (NBIC) with R Stamp and U Stamp certifications. These certifications declare that Sawyer is capable of meeting ASME and NBIC…

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Meet the Sawyer Team – Nolan Coon

By drivendigital

  Our employees are a great group of skilled individuals that contribute to our unique culture at Sawyer. We would like everyone to Meet the Sawyer Team. HEY NOLAN…. What do you do at Sawyer? I am the company driver and saw operator. What is your favorite thing to work on? Most anything that involves…

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Pipeline – 149 Years Ago

By drivendigital

October 18, 1867 On the Pipeline – 149 Years Ago: the US purchased Alaska. Though some called it Seward’s Folly it would prove in time to hold valuable resources. The United States formally took possession of Alaska after purchasing the 586,412 square miles of territory from Russia for $7.2 million. Even though it was called…

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